Oak Leaf Love
Here's to fresh air.
Here's to freedom to run and ride.
Here's to giving a treasure some love.
Join us as we toast Milwaukee County's Oak Leaf Trail!
We're a creative bunch who want to celebrate our Oak Leaf Love.
- We work with Milwaukee County small businesses wherever possible.
- We are striving to give back to our awesome park system!
Media Mentions
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UWM 6/8/2020 @ 10 a.m. - Members of this group can register to hear Jill Rothenbueler Maher share local bike trail history.
St. Francis Historical Society Holiday Party 12/5/19 @ 5:30 p.m. - Please RSVP by December 2 to Barbara Janiszewski at 414-744-6813 to join the fun. John Stano will sing local music and Jill Rothenbueler Maher will help St. Francis residents evoke the early days of local bicycling trails.
End of the year celebration for the Oak Leaf Discovery Tour 9/15/19 @ 1 p.m. - Everyone always has fun at Estabrook Park Beer Garden, a beautiful spot between the river and the trail. Jill Rothenbueler Maher enjoyed speaking to those who love the Oak Leaf and two lucky ducks walked away with new bicycles in the raffle!
South Milwaukee Public Library 7/30/19 @ 6 p.m. - Stop by this great library to catch Jill Rothenbueler Maher speaking about local bicycling history.
Cream City Cycle Club 7/25/19 @ 6:30 p.m. - Serious cyclists heard Jill Rothenbueler Maher speak about the history of the Milwaukee 64, Milwaukee 76 and Oak Leaf Trail as part of their club's monthly meeting.
Emanuel Church, United Church of Christ 6/9/19 @ 11 a.m. - During Bike Week, John Stano shared his musical talent, including his song "Meet Me On the Oak Leaf" and Jill Rothenbueler Maher spoke about biking history.
Historic Milwaukee 6/7/19 @ 6 p.m. - A nice crowd spent a Friday evening with Jill Rothenbueler Maher at Historic Milwaukee, 235 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee. Tickets supported the organization's commitment to Milwaukee’s history, architecture and the preservation of the built environment.
South Shore Cyclery 5/4/19, book signing @ 3 p.m. and ride at 5 p.m. - It was great to meet new fans of the book "Milwaukee County's Oak Leaf Trail: A History." Riders ranging in age from 11 to 71 rode about five miles and heard nuggets of history along the way.
Trail Opening 4/13/2019 - Rails-to-Trails organized a great event along the Oak Leaf. It was fun to show off Jill's new book, "Milwaukee County's Oak Leaf Trail: A History" and talk with trail lovers. Good City Brewing shared their Bike Trail Bock Lager!
Bay View Historical Society 4/1/2019 - It was fun talking with members of the Bay View Historical Society. Jill Maher enjoyed your questions and John Stano enjoyed performing his wonderful song "Meet me on the Oak Leaf."
St. Francis Library 3/15/2018 - Thanks to all who packed the room to hear Jill Rothenbueler Maher speak about biking history and John Stano debut his song "Meet Me On the Oak Leaf." We enjoyed sharing our Oak Leaf Love!
Oak Leaf Love Gets Creative
Pictured here is one of our first creative partners, Bay View Printing Company.
They even whittled an oak leaf to use in the letterpress for this project.
These 5x7 quality letterpress prints make great gifts (birthdays, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, holiday, any day!)
They look great on a desk or workbench.
Purchase for $30 at:
South Side: South Shore Cyclery in Cudahy
Downtown: Urban Milwaukee - The Store on Milwaukee St @ Mason
I want one for my desk right now!
Podcast Pilot
Hear a sample segment from a podcast, Along the Oak Leaf.
Reindeer Riders sample podcast by Jill Maher
Bill Schlichtholz rode the whole trail in a day. AND he did it every year for 26 years. Hear his story and be sure to listen for how the trail led him to his wife.
Great Gifts
WodSol by Kate
Kate McSorley does beautiful work in hardwoods like poplar, aspen or oak. Her pieces reflect natural beauty and can be a reminder of an escape to the Oak Leaf Trail.
She has explored the country and is now happily settled a few blocks from the Oak Leaf Trail near South Shore Park. Catch Kate's work on her facebook page. In particular, check out the pieces "Mushroom Tree" and "Runner."
Order the book today!
Milwaukee County’s Oak Leaf Trail: A History is written by local author Jill Rothenbueler, with a foreword by Amelia Kegel.
Milwaukee loves the Oak Leaf Trail, a 125-mile escape to nature connecting the major Milwaukee County parks. But many have not heard the history behind the trail.
Believing parks to be the “lungs of the people,” long-range thinkers like Charles Whitnall advocated for the verdant spaces the trail would later snake through. To promote biking as an alternative to precious gasoline during wartime, Harold “Zip” Morgan designed a route that 1960s riders built on. Years later, bicycling enthusiasts worked overtime with local leadership to get a 76-mile route ready for the country’s bicentennial, creating the beloved 76 Bike Trail.
The Oak Leaf story continues today as local volunteers and politicians advocate for extensions, repairs and other improvements. Join local author Jill Rothenbueler Maher as she uncovers the previously untold stories of a Milwaukee County treasure.CONTACT
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